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On Tuesday, the School Board will convene for a sort of mini-meeting to swear in current members Monica Garcia, Steve Zimmer and the newly elected Monica Ratliff.
It will also vote to elect a new Board President, a position held by Garcia for the last six years. The Board recently voted to limit the jobs to two consecutive year-long terms.
Until recently, the likely frontrunner for the job was Dr. Richard Vladovic, who is said to have been lobbying other Board members for the job. But as Daily News reported this morning, Dr. V is currently under investigation for harassing two employees.
We’ll have more about the fallout from the Vladovic allegations later today.
One interesting thing to note is the procedure for choosing a president. Superintendent John Deasy will ask for nominations — and who gets called on first is his choice. The Board votes on nominees right after they’re made, meaning that there could be only one nomination. Conversely, nominations could be voted on multiple times.
On Tuesday the Board will also appoint a Vice President who runs the meetings when the President is absent or has recused him or herself. It will then vote on about a dozen routine items of business, and then break for most of the summer.
Previous posts: Vladovic the Frontrunner for President; Zimmer Reversal Likely Ends Garcia Presidency*; Deasy Skirmish With Board Members a Long Time Coming; Board Members Ask Deasy To Explain Himself; Defiant Deasy Says He’ll Push Targeted Spending Plan Anyway