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Tomorrow night’s School Board candidate forum for the Westside’s District 4 could be a fascinating event, if for no other reason than it will feature just two candidates — challenger Kate Anderson and incumbent Steve Zimmer — going head to head. (Jeneen Robinson is registered as a write-in candidate, and was not invited to participate).
Even before the Boys & Girls club event begins, the campaigns are already jockeying for position.
“The rub on Steve is that, in trying to solve problems, he tends to not always please people,” said Zimmer campaign consultant Mike Shimpock. “Steve tends to not satisfy the extreme edges. That results in candidates like Kate Anderson, backed by the extreme end of that debate.”
“That’s ridiculous,” said Anderson, in response to Shimpock’s comments. “I’m supported by a community of people that want to see change within the district. I’m raising my own funds — this is a grassroots campaign.”
Shimpock said Zimmer would focus on his experience before becoming a school board member, which includes working for Teacher For America.
“I think it shows Steve’s commitment to improving schools and taking a path that doesn’t necessarily serve special interests,” said Shimpock. “That’s why he’s been targeted for removal by the school privatization lobby — the charter school folks that are mostly behind Kate.”
“Through his resolutions, [Zimmer] has been opposing reforms and changes that [Superintendent John] Deasy has been about,” Anderson told LA School Report.
“I support charter schools and reform efforts, and I’m not surprised to see those folks support my campaign,” she said. “But i’m supported by many, many others.”
Previous posts: Contribution Roundup: Who’s Giving to Whom?, Stuck in the Middle: Steve Zimmer, Reform Coalition Picks Garcia, Anderson & Sanchez, Anderson To Run Against Zimmer, Can Kate Anderson Fix LAUSD?