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iPads are not the only technological gadget getting used inside LA Unified schools these days.
A smartphone application called LAUSD Service Calls is enabling teachers, administrators, even parents to summon district personnel to fix all sorts of problems, such as graffiti, water leaks and broken tiles. The app functions on an iPhone, Blackberry and Android mobile devices and allows users to send a GIS coded photo to the District, which will then seek to resolve the issue within 30 days.
Developed by City Sourced, the app is similar to others used in cities across the country for public safety, environmental issues and other purposes.
Robert Laughton, LA Unified’s Deputy Director of Maintenance & Operations, said the app has been used about 1,000 times since its introduction a few years ago, with his office now receiving as many as 15 service requests a day. On some days, he said, as many as 50 calls come in, for help with broken air-conditioning units, active beehives, exposed pipes on outdoor play fields, even backed-up toilets.
“We’re going to continue outreach to school administrators and different groups to encourage more usage,” he said.