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Time’s Harsh Trigger Take

Hillel Aron | July 26, 2013

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pas-0807-revolution-4There’s a fairly harsh take on the ‘parent trigger’ law in the Hechinger Report this morning, cross-posted on the Time Magazine website.

“Only seven states have a parent trigger law on the books, with some versions weaker than others,” writes Natasha Lindstrom. “In 20 states, bills to create or expand such laws stalled or died in legislatures this past spring; only one became law.”

So in the last three years, seven states have passed parent trigger laws. To some observers, that’s progress.

To be sure, the process remains extremely controversial. A few months ago, the LAUSD Board voted to place additional regulations on the trigger law — a proposal that faced limited resistance from Parent Revolution, the non-profit that has helped organize every trigger campaign so far. The Hechinger / Time piece fails to mention that new development.

Previous posts: School Board’s Strange Parent Trigger About-FaceMarathon Board Meeting Signals Changes to ComeCommentary: Why Teachers Might Leave a Triggered SchoolParent Trigger: Times Debates Transparency, Urgency

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