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David Tokofsky
An earlier version of this story said Tokofsky was leaving AALA, the principals union. He is not.
David Tokofsky, a former LA Unified school board member and a strategist for the school administrators union, has joined Englander, Knabe & Allen, a lobbying and public relations firm.
He is expected to help grow the firm’s education practice.
After teaching 12 years at John Marshall High School, Tokofsky served on the district school board for more than a decade. More recently, he has worked for the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA), which represents principals and other school administrators.
“I am happy to associate with the leading public affairs firm in Los Angeles,” Tokofsky said in a press release. “The teamwork at EKA in all policy arenas is the type of professionalism I have loved in the field of education.”