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The United Way of Greater Los Angeles along with LA Unified is co-hosting a Youth Town Hall on Saturday when an estimated 150 students from the district are expected to gather and offer recommendations on priorities for the next Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which outlines how the district spends state education dollars.
Governor Jerry Brown’s LCAP law requires districts to draw up a spending plan based in part, on meaningful public input, and Saturday’s event is the first of six the district scheduled with community partners between the end of November. More are likely to be scheduled.
A similar event was hosted last spring by the Untied Way when around 100 students attended, but the organization is expecting an even larger turnout this year, said Sara Mooney, an education program associate with United Way. Students from all areas of district are expected to attend.
LA Unified Board President Steve Zimmer is scheduled to attend and address the students. After hearing several presentations, the students will breakout into smaller groups to draw up specific recommendations.