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There’s not really that much new to say about UTLA’s decision to scuttle LAUSD’s application for a federal Race to the Top grant (ostensibly over cost concerns) but news outlets are having a grand time dissecting it and LAUSD superintendent John Deasy seems more than willing to express his disappointment over that decision.
This Daily News story (LAUSD, other districts miss out on Race to the Top grants) has UTLA head Fletcher expressing his cost concerns: “You’re essentially setting up a system with a lot of bureaucracy, and those pieces have to stay.” This KPCC story (LA teachers union blocks LAUSD’s Race to the Top) highlights UTLA’s argument that the grant would have cost the district too much, with a supportive quote from former board member Tokofsky. This HuffPost LA editorial (Teachers Union Just Cost Us $40 Million) takes a harsh look at the situation, blaming UTLA and CTA for a series of failures to win federal education funding in recent years.