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Last Wednesday, mere hours after Antonio Sanchez conceded to her, School Board member-elect Monica Ratliff showed up at a UTLA House of Representatives meeting to thank all the teachers who volunteered for and donated to her campaign.
Though the video above (shot on UTLA spokesperson Suzanne Spurgeon’s iPad) is incomplete, it shows Ratliff specifically thanking Jose Lara, one of the more outspoken UTLA activists who worked on Ratliff’s behalf, and includes some intriguing comments from Board member Bennett Kayser.
The video clip also includes some fist-pumping from UTLA President Warren Fletcher, who made an appearance at Raliff’s opponent’s election night party the evening before.
In the video, Kayser addresses the House regarding Ratliff’s improbable victory and highlights what he hopes will be a Board priority in the near future.
“We have a motion that’s going to be presented for a first reading at the next Board meeting for reduced class size,” says Kayser. “And if for some crazy reason it doesn’t pass, after July 1, it’ll pass.”
Ratliff will be sworn in as board member on July 1.
Reducing class size is, presumably, a popular goal held by most Board members. The real question is when and by how much, and that debate is likely to be a divisive one given the competing priorities over programs. Kayser, who donated money to and volunteered for Ratliff’s campaign, seems to be suggesting that Ratliff would vote with him on the issue.

UTLA President Warren Fletcher (left) talks with Antonio Sanchez (right) at his election-night party
Seen next to Kayser, clapping and pumping his fist, is UTLA President Warren Fletcher, who was spotted the night before by a friendly LA School Report tipster standing next to UTLA Secretary David Lyell at the election night party of Antonio Sanchez.
This weekend, Ratliff also attended what one source called “an adult education party that morphed into a Monica Ratliff party,” which was briefly alluded to in the recent LA Times piece about her.
We’ve asked to see the full video of the event will let you know what if anything Fletcher said to the House of Representatives if we get anything back from UTLA.
Previous posts: Cheers — and Confusion; How Ratliff Won (& Reformers Lost); Final Unofficial Tally; Ratliff Scores School Board Upset