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Zimmer appoints board’s newest members to lead committees

Mike Szymanski | August 3, 2015

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SteveZimmerLAUSD School board president Steve Zimmer has given the board’s two newest members committee chairmanships.

Ref Rodriguez will be taking over the Early Childhood Education and Parent Engagement Committee, which was previously run by Bennett Kayser, whom Rodriguez defeated in the June runoff.

Zimmer named the other new board member, Scott Schmerelson, chairman of the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Committee.

Mónica Ratliff will head the Budget, Facilities and Audit Committee, which was also once led by Kayser. Ratliff previously served on the committee.

Mónica García will retain her chairmanship of the Successful School Climate: Progressive Discipline and Safety Committee. When students protested the military-grade weapons available to school police at the board meeting last Thursday night, García pointed out that the issue will be taken up at her committee.

Schmerelson was also named as the district’s liaison to the National School Boards Association. Zimmer previously made other board appointments just after being elected to the position last month.

Most of the committees meet monthly, and they are all open to the public.

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