Teacher Advocacy Group to Interview Board Candidates
It’s not a live public forum or debate where we can see the candidates answer questions or exchange views in real time, but it’s better than nothing: Educators 4 Excellence, an organization that advocates for teachers to take a more active role in shaping education policies, plans to host a podcast interview with District 6...
By Samantha Oltman | May 6, 2013
Garcetti and Greuel to Meet With “Trigger” Parents
Mayoral candidates Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel will meet with parents on Monday, May 6 at 24th Street Elementary, the first school in LAUSD to be taken over by parents using the parent trigger law. Parent Revolution, an education advocacy group that has led the parent trigger effort in California, will host the meet and greet....
By Samantha Oltman | May 3, 2013
Reminder: Monday Voting Registration Deadline
The runoff election that will decide Los Angeles’ new mayor, the LAUSD Board member for District 6 (East San Fernando Valley), and several other city offices is now less than a month away. Monday, May 6 is the last day you can register to vote for the May 21 runoff. If you still haven’t registered,...
By Samantha Oltman | May 3, 2013
Senators’ Silence Dooms Teacher Evaluation Bill
To the surprise of almost no one, a bill that sought to make changes to California rules on how to evaluate teachers failed to pass the Senate Committee on Education during its second-chance hearing Wednesday. What was particularly notable about the bill’s failure was the absence of the majority of the Committee’s members during the...
By Samantha Oltman | May 2, 2013
Investigation: Nearly 1,000 Native Children Died in Federal Boarding Schools
Podcast: What a Mentorship Mindset Can Do for Student Motivation
Black and Hispanic Voters Say Democrats Aren’t Focused Enough on K-12 Education
Teen Activist Rhea Maniar on the Power of Abortion to Turn Out Young Voters
Senators Absent for Teacher Evaluation Hearing
A bill known as SB 441 that proposes changes to California’s rules on teacher evaluations is being considered a second time today by the Senate Committee on Education today — but eight out of nine of the Committee’s members have been absent from the meeting. Scheduling might explain at least in part of the reason...
By Samantha Oltman | May 1, 2013
UTLA Softens Criticism of Classroom Breakfast
In a statement released Tuesday morning, United Teachers Los Angeles softened its tone on Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC), a program in almost 10,000 LAUSD classrooms that feeds low-income students free breakfast at their desks in the morning. The union’s announcement followed a Monday night LA Times story that said a majority of School Board...
By Samantha Oltman | May 1, 2013
One Thing: Deasy Budget Memo
Here’s the full text of the memo LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy sent School Board members last week about eight controversial budget items including the classroom breakfast initiative: Read the full LA School Report story here.
By Samantha Oltman | May 1, 2013
Listen: Democrats Divided on Gov. Brown’s Ed. Budget Reform
In a recent Which Way L.A. segment, host Warren Olney discusses the battle brewing in Sacramento over Gov. Jerry Brown’s approach to education budget reform. Brown’s plan to give struggling school districts like LAUSD, which have higher numbers of low-income and English language learner students, higher funding than more successful districts, has divided Democrats in...
By Samantha Oltman | April 30, 2013
Deasy’s School Breakfast Gambit Confuses Supporters
On Thursday, LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy unexpectedly announced that he was putting a controversial classroom breakfast program’s fate in the hands of the School Board. The possible elimination of a program Southern California Public Radio described as “a political hot potato” presumably pleased the teachers union, which has long called for its end. But Deasy’s plan to remove...
By Samantha Oltman | April 29, 2013
Shepard Fairey Asks LA Students for Inspiration
Street artist Shepard Fairey is calling on Los Angeles students to send ideas for his next big art campaign, a poster series that will appear this July across the city on billboards and buses. The deadline to submit art ideas is today. Students can submit their ideas on the LA Fund’s Facebook page, by tweeting...
By Samantha Oltman | April 26, 2013