70 years later, the untold history of Brown v. Board: Meet all the families behind the 5 school cases that swayed the Supreme Court
Seventy years ago this month, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Brown v. Board that racial segregation of children in America’s public schools was unconstitutional. Today, we’re commemorating the anniversary by relaunching our special Untold Stories of Brown v. Board microsite, dedicated to sharing the stories of the lesser-known students, parents and plaintiffs who joined...
By Steve Snyder | May 22, 2024
RNC, DNC Recap: 18 things education experts noticed at the conventions
This article wraps up our in-depth coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. For more analysis and backstage reports from Cleveland & Philadelphia, see our RNC and DNC archives. We knew from the first primary debates last fall that 2016 wasn’t likely to be the education election. Candidates had other pressing things to talk...
By Steve Snyder | August 1, 2016