Bond panel aide blasts LA Unified for ineffective IT operations
A consultant to the committee that oversees how LA Unified spends taxpayer bond dollars today recommended a complete overhaul of the district’s Information Technology operations, suggesting the district might consider outsourcing the entire department. Tom Rubin delivered the report to the Bond Oversight Committee, blasting the IT department and asserting that the recent bungled rollout...
By Vanessa Romo | October 30, 2014
LIVESTREAM coverage of today’s LA Unfied committee meetings
How will the LAUSD Board establish it’s Local Control Funding Formula? Want an update on the school construction upgrade program? Find out with LA School Report‘s live stream of today’s two meetings: 1:00 p.m.: LAUSD Budget, Facilities and Audit Committee 4:00 p.m. Early Childhood Education and Parent Engagement Committee Click HERE for a livestream of the proceedings.
By LA School Report | January 9, 2014